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Local Street Network Plan
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The City of Oakland's Local Street Network Planning process is nearing completion. Between the Project Advisory Committee, Citizen Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, City Council and the an Open House there have been eight meetings held over the last year to discuss Oakland's transportation future. Feedback from our February, 2015 meetings has been assembled in this summary (which includes the actual maps and public and committee comments as an attachment). The following reports (under Task 4) are also helpful in understanding how feedback has and will inform the final "Plan."

There are only a few meetings left. One of those will be a public hearing before the Oakland City Council to adopt the Local Street Network Plan. This will likely take place in June and will be announced soon.  The project team will be spending May assembling the materials and work that has been done by the community into a final plan document.

Of note are a few related grants that the City has secured or is pursuing: These include:

After a year of dedicated work by the Oakland Local Street Network Plan Project Team, Citizen's Advisory Committee, Project Advisory Committee, Oakland Planning Commission, Oakland City Council and numerous other engaged residents and staff, the Draft Local Street Network Plan is ready for review.

The Plan is organized into three volumes
Volumes I & II: Projects/Policies and Data (13.6 MB pdf)
Volume III: Supporting Documents (Appendices) (25.8 MB pdf)

Questions about the Local Street Network project can be directed to Jacob Callister with the Lane Council of Governments at 541.682.4114 (

September 16th, 2014

Project and Citizen Advisory Groups, Planning Commisison and City Council weigh in on initial project elements....

On September 16th, 2014, the Citizen and Project Advisory Committees met to review and discuss the initial elements of the project. The following week, on September 24th, Oakland's Planning Commission and City Council held a joint worksession to review the elements and committee feedback related to them.

1. Goals and Objectives (Draft Technical Memo 1)
2. Regulatory Framework (the existing rules that we need to follow) (Draft Technical Memo 2)
3. An Inventory and Evaluation of the Current Transportation System (Draft Technical Memo 3)

The primary objective of the first meetings was for committee members to get acquainted with each other and with the project and to obtain feedback on the first three draft technical memos. The feedback from the meetings was processed by staff and developed into Final Technical Memoranda addressing the subjects. The presentation from the meetings can be viewed and downloaded here.

Anyone interested can review a detailed list of Committee, Commission and Council feedback here. Feedback ranged from specific geographic areas of concern (e.g. Fifth Street and Oak/Locust Streets)  to more thematic issues like the  existence of unusable (and occasionally problematic) public rights-of-way (undeveloped streets). The changes have been reflected in the new Final Technical Memoranda 1, 2, and 3.

Though these memoranda will ultimately form the Draft and Final Local Street Network Plan, feedback on any of the details are welcome at any time, and will help inform the final Plan. 

Feedback can be provided directly to City Hall through Terri Long (541-459-4531), to Project Manager Jacob Callister (, 541-682-4114), or through this website (as a comment to this post, or comment on the Feedback Booth). The Feedback Booth will have materials posted for committee member and public review and feedback. PLEASE USE IT!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Transportation System Improvements and Priorities -- February, 2015 Meetings

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Home Stretch!

Happy New Year!

As we wrap up 2014, LCOG and Sandow Engineering are wrapping up the next set of Draft Technical Memoranda for the Local Street Network Plan. Building on the inventory, goals and issues identified in Technical Memoranda 1, 2 and 3, Technical Memoranda 4, 5 and 6 establish a list of potential transportation system changes, improvements, standards and priorities for public review. 

We have scheduled our next round of advisory committee meetings for Tuesday February 10th at City Hall. The Project Advisory Committee will meet at 5:30 pm and the Citizen Advisory Committee meeting will be held at 7:00 pm

Copies of the memoranda will be made available on this site as soon as possible and no later than February 3rd.

Other critical upcoming dates to keep in mind include:

Tuesday - February 17th: Planning Commission/City Council Worksession
Tuesday - February 24th: Public Open House

The Public Open House will be an opportunity for everyone to view and provide feedback on possible improvements and transportation priorities.

Please contact project staff with any questions, concerns or ideas.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Winter and Spring, 2016: Proposed Changes to Oakland Development Ordinances

On Monday, February 29th' 2016 from 4 pm till 6 pm at Oakland City Hall, the City hosted an Open House to present, for public review and feedback, proposed updates to the City's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.  

The changes have three primary focuses: 
  1. Combining the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances into a more typical and efficient "Development Code."
  2. Incorporating key language regarding bicycle and pedestrian facilities
  3. Incorporating a number of inconsistencies or housekeeping items that have been identified by staff or Planning Commission over recent years, including the recently completed Local Street Network Plan, and upcoming Multi-Use Path Strategy.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Draft Oakland Local Street Network Plan Available for Review

City of Oakland leadership and staff, in conjunction with the Lane Council of Governments (LCOG), are thrilled to announce the City's success in pursuing two recent grant proposals to further the work initiated by the community's Local Street Network Plan process: 

  1. TGM Code Assistance Grant  (Over $25,000 in two phases): The objective of Code Assistance is to investigate and implement code changes that support TGM objectives and smart development practices in follow up to the Local Street Network Plan.

  2. Oakland Multi-Use Path Implementation Strategy (Approximately $50,000): This project carries forward a high priority project identified in the Local Street Network Plan.  The proposed multi-use path (Path) will provide a convenient, non-automobile transportation alternative for local trips within the community. The Multi-Use Path Implementation Strategy (MPS) will identify access points, preferred alignments, key road crossing options, Path standards, design elements, regulatory requirements, preliminary cost estimates, and potential sources of funding while ensuring compliance with local standards.

More detail about each project (including how they relate to one another) is available under the Oakland Projects Overview tab.

Opportunities for feedback and review will be available through ongoing updates on this website, as well as public meetings and open houses as the projects progress. 

Please contact project staff for more information:
LCOG Manager: Jacob Callister,, 541-682-4114
City of Oakland: Terri Long,, 541-459-4531

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More State Funds for Moving Oakland Forward!


On February 17th, 2016, at 6 pm, the Oakland City Council and Planning Commission will hold a joint work session to consider these proposed updates and the Open House will reflect their feedback.

Code Update DRAFT Action Plan (click to view)

Draft Action Plan Exhibits:
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Illustrative Code Mock-Up 

As always, questions can be directed to
Jacob Callister, 541-682-4114, 
Terri Long, 541-459-4531,



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